Speeches Shim
Every day, all over the world, USAID brings peace to those who endure violence, health to those who struggle with sickness, and prosperity to those who live in poverty. It is these individuals — these uncounted thousands of lives — that are the true measure of USAID’s successes and the true face of USAID's programs.
The craftsmanship of Mansoor Armaghan’s woodworking has long been sought after in Afghanistan’s capital, but working each project by hand meant that the family-owned company was limited in the number of pieces they could produce. In order to maintain the same quality that they were known for and increase their production to provide work for local craftsmen, Mansoor knew that he would need to purchase new equipment.
For as long as she can remember, Mildred Wanjala, 25, was determined to excel. As a primary school pupil in Kenya’s Bungoma County, she dreamed of becoming a teacher, but her responsibilities as the first born of seven presented another, even greater, responsibility: helping to provide for her younger siblings.
As a teacher, farmer, and mother of three, sometimes it feels like the weight of the world is on Asela Valonge's shoulders. It’s not an uncommon feeling. In many cases, the average Tanzanian has yet to feel the impact of the country’s recent economic growth. Fortunately, Valonge's home region of Iringa is forging a new approach to development. Instead of relying on autonomously functioning programs to develop solutions, USAID activities in the region are pooling efforts and comparing notes, working in tandem to maximize impact for people like Valonge.
In many ways, Kinywang’anga is a typical Tanzanian village. Located in central Tanzania, it is home to quiet countryside and to hospitable locals, most of whom earn their living from the land. This small community, however, has big changes on the horizon. Whereas most rural Tanzanians lack the legal right to their land, residents of Kinywang’anga are, for the first time, claiming such a right to their land—and local women like Anita Mfilinge are benefitting as a result.
Lilia Ranogaet didn’t start out wanting to be a clothing designer. She had studied law, and for years she ran a consulting company that helped Moldovan citizens find work abroad.
Joy Abuyabor is a midwife from Leyte, in the central region of the Philippines called Visayas. Since 2008, she has been operating her family health care and maternity clinic so more babies can be delivered safely and parents can seek family planning options.
Thực hiện bài giảng trước khoảng gần 100 sinh viên, Tiến sĩ Nguyễn Thị Bình, giảng viên Đại học Y Dược Thái Nguyên, có một khó khăn là phải truyền đạt những nội dung tài liệu phức tạp về sản khoa cho các sinh viên y năm thứ 3 trong khi còn nhiều khó khăn để có thể áp dụng phương pháp học tập tích cực. Chị lo ngại rằng sinh viên của chị sau khi được nghe giảng sẽ có đủ kiến thức nhưng lại thiếu khả năng áp dụng các kiến thức đó trong các tình huống y khoa thực tế.
“Cách đây 2 năm, công ty chúng tôi phải vật lộn với nhiều thách thức. Chúng tôi phải mất ít nhất một tuần để chuẩn bị hồ sơ thuế, phải chờ đợi nhiều ngày mới thông quan được hàng nhập khẩu và điều này làm cho chi phí lao động của công ty chúng tôi đội lên rất nhiều,” chị Vũ Kim Giang, một cán bộ xuất nhập khẩu của Công ty May 10, cho biết.
Romyla Macanas and Ella Maeh Lopez know how essential clean water is for good hygiene. The two teenagers are in the 10th grade at Tolosa National High School in Leyte province in the central region of the Philippines.
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