Speeches Shim
Every day, all over the world, USAID brings peace to those who endure violence, health to those who struggle with sickness, and prosperity to those who live in poverty. It is these individuals — these uncounted thousands of lives — that are the true measure of USAID’s successes and the true face of USAID's programs.
Троє дівчат-підлітків з українського міста Запоріжжя бажали навчитися писати код для комп'ютерних програм. Поряд з цим вони знали, що забруднення повітря є найбільшою проблемою для їхнього міста, та були налаштовані знайти вихід з цієї ситуації. Вчителі переконали їх взяти участь у Technovation Challenge – міжнародних змаганнях, які заохочують дівчат отримувати навички комп'ютерного програмування та використовувати ці знання для того, щоб вирішувати конкретні проблеми своїх громад – до того ж такі, що мають глобальне значення.
Samat Nasa has been farming cassava on the outskirts of Zamboanga City in the Philippines’ Mindanao region for over 30 years. Many farmers in the area grow this root crop because it is easy to maintain and can survive extreme weather. But because the Philippines is a predominantly rice-consuming nation, Nasa has only sold his harvests to a handful of local producers of panggi, a customary staple food made of grated cassava.
About the size of a wheelbarrow, Stephen Ssekanyo’s “Kungula thresher” fits nicely on the back of a motorcycle. That means he can deliver it deep into rural areas where the unpaved roads become tracks and farmers rarely gain access to technologies. But by delivering his innovation to the farmers’ fields, he is helping them to prepare clean, ready-to-package maize at a price they can afford.
Good advice from Facebook user Pearlena, and just one of 55,000 comments on the Open Doors: Singapore video drama that follows the story of Lisa, a young Filipina domestic worker, as she begins working for a Singaporean family and taking care of their daughter, June. She’s traveled thousands of miles for this job, but Lisa soon realizes it isn’t what she signed up for.
Vietnam, like other countries in the Mekong region of Southeast Asia, is confronted with water-related challenges. Flooding in the rainy season and drought in the dry season leave millions vulnerable. Rapid urbanization and population growth put increasing pressure on the environment.
Despite goodwill and on his way to receiving a Master’s Degree in environmental sciences, Marouane Bouzakhti had great difficulty finding a job in Morocco. The only solution he could think of to improve his chances was to improve his profile to better distinguish himself from other candidates.
Sayid* has always been dependent on the food from his garden to feed his family in northeast Syria, including his diabetic mother. Each spring, locals across the countryside would plant vegetables in their gardens to ensure they had enough food to feed their families for the rest of the year.
The livestock export industry is an essential component of the Somali agricultural sector, accounting for 80 percent of Somalia’s exports. In 2015 alone, traders earned $384 million in livestock exports, and the industry witnessed an annual growth of 6 percent.
Quiet and serious, the child was loved by all. He was very popular among foster families who hosted orphans during holidays and religious celebrations. At the age of 17 and almost a legal adult, El Fihri had to start preparing for a life on his own, which meant ending his schooling and leaving the orphanage. Without a plan, he felt helpless and desperate.
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