Fact Sheets

Speeches Shim

USAID's Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA) and Office of Food for Peace (USAID/FFP) are responding to a complex emergency stemming from an influx of people fleeing an economic and political crisis in Venezuela to neighboring countries, including Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. Approximately 3.4 million Venezuelans have fled their country, with nearly 1.2 million people fleeing to Colombia.

USAID/West Africa’s Peace and Governance programs aims to strengthen systems of non-violent conflict management in West Africa at local, national and regional levels by focusing on countering violent extremism (CVE) and promoting conflict early warning and response.

The Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) works to prevent and combat newly emerging and reemerging infectious diseases that have pandemic potential among humans. It is a growing global partnership focused on building countries’ capacities to contribute to a world safe from infectious disease threats, including from zoonotic diseases. GHSA activities in Liberia are guided by an interagency U.S. Government team, including the Department of State, USAID, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Department of Defense, and the National Institute of Health. In Liberia, GHSA supports a multi-sector coordination mechanism for disease surveillance, animal testing immunization, and capacity development for animal health professionals for risk-based epidemiology and response.

Approximately 25,500 people fleeing Hajin arrive at Al Hol camp between December and February, straining camp capacity. Flooding re-displaces an estimated 23,000 people in Aleppo and Idlib; affected populations remain in need of relief commodities. UN–SARC convoy from Damascus delivers multi-sector assistance to Rukban residents in early February

USAID’s Reading for All Program is a three-year, $3.88 million activity that works to improve early grade reading outcomes among children with disabilities in grades 1 – 3. Implemented in 6,775 schools in the 16 National Early Grade Reading Program focus districts (Banke, Surkhet, Bhaktapur, Kaski, Dhankuta, Saptari, Parsa, Rupandehi, Manang, Mustang, Bardiya, Dang, Dolpa, Kailaki, Kanchanpur and Dadeldhura), the activity strengthens the Government of Nepal’s (GON’s) institutional capacity at the federal, provincial and local levels to implement its constitutional and policy commitments to disability inclusive education.

This USAID program promotes a system to contain and prevent the spread of radicalism and violent extremist beliefs in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) prisons and rehabilitate and reintegrate previously radicalized prisoners into society upon their release. The Council of Europe implements this comprehensive two-year $1 million project, which is co-funded equally by USAID and the UK government.

USAID’s STaR project works to increase empathy and tolerance among members of the multiple ethnoreligious groups in Bosnia and Herzegovina by catalyzing religious leaders, religion teachers, youth, and municipal leaders in community reconciliation efforts. USAID’s implementing partner in this two-year $1.5 million program is the Karuna Center for Peacebuilding.
