
Speeches Shim

23-04-2019 03:45

Eradicating TB is a top priority for the U.S. government. Around the world, USAID supports country-led efforts to develop, finance, and implement national and sub-national TB programs. We also strongly encourage partnerships with the private sector to achieve greater scale, sustainability and effectiveness of our development work.

08-04-2019 03:30

Healthy families are critical for Cambodia’s development and improved productivity. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the Royal Government of Cambodia and the Ministry of Health for making significant progress in increasing access to health services for the Cambodian people in the past few years. The expansion of social health protection programs for the poor and vulnerable populations, improvements in infrastructure and human resources for health, and increases in financing and leadership at all levels have contributed substantially to this success.

04-04-2019 07:15


Thank you, Kushtrim, and thanks to everyone for joining us today to address how we can work together to help all of Kosovo’s citizens access equal rights and protections under the law.

So much of the work that USAID does revolves around partnerships, because when people come together, they can achieve great things.  In the words of Helen Keller, an American political activist and advocate for people with disabilities, “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." 

03-04-2019 09:00

It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Inception and Learning Event on “Sustainable and Effective Management of the Prey Lang Extended Landscape”. USAID is thrilled to begin this constructive dialogue with civil society, community members, private sector, and national and sub-national government officials. You will have a chance to share information and knowledge about your work and strengthen your commitment and efforts to conserve the forests and biodiversity. Today’s event marks the start of an exciting new partnership between the U.S. government and the Royal Government of Cambodia through USAID’s Greening Prey Lang program. This partnership will bring all stakeholders together to preserve and sustainably manage its forests and biodiversity in Cambodia.

03-04-2019 09:00

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28-03-2019 09:15

Globally, TB is the top infectious disease killer worldwide. Every year, over 10 million people are infected, and nearly 2 million lose their lives to this disease. Over 4 million cases are undiagnosed or without proper treatment and care – in fact, 40 percent of TB cases are undetected. This can lead to drug-resistant forms of the disease. Those strains are expensive to treat and subject patients to potential side effects. The high cost of medication and loss of income during a patient’s illness can lead to catastrophic expenditures and poverty.

28-03-2019 02:30

Through our Cities Development Initiative, USAID has joined Puerto Princesa City on its journey to strengthen economic growth, environmental protection, education, democracy and governance so that your city can fulfill its potential as an engine of inclusive and resilient growth in the region.

26-03-2019 15:45

We are here today celebrating the strong relationship between the United States and Vietnam, due largely to two tracks of engagement that transpired concurrently. As the United States sought the return of our MIAs, the Vietnamese sought help with their war-wounded, and that is where USAID’s humanitarian work played a major role.

At USAID our job is to walk alongside our partner countries and join with them on their journey to self-reliance -- to work toward the day when foreign assistance is no longer necessary. I am so proud of the work that USAID has accomplished with our Vietnamese partners over the past 30 or so years, which has contributed significantly to Vietnam’s strong position today.

21-03-2019 08:15

It is a great pleasure to be here at the launch of the youlead.lk portal. Any day we can support initiatives that contribute to the education, health, and employment of youth, be it in Sri Lanka or elsewhere in the world, is a good day. Young people are critical to global stability, economic growth, and development of today - and for the future. Recognizing youth participation as vital to development, USAID partners with the private sector, national governments, youth, and civil society across the world to build the capacity and empower the next generation of leaders.

Today, I am particularly proud to celebrate the launch of Youlead.lk - a web portal that for the first time gathers all the elements young job-seekers and entrepreneurs need from career development, to job-matching, from access to finance, e-learning, and mentoring, in one place. What is significant about Youlead.lk is that it is not just a platform. It is an ecosystem. An ecosystem that will grow and expand as more and more youth add to it and become part of the community, providing leverage to their ventures and ideas.

15-03-2019 08:30

Good morning/ Sanibonani and thank you for the opportunity to participate in today’s event. It is a great honor to be here on behalf of the United States Government to bring our message of support and hope about tuberculosis control- a key priority for us all.  For those who joined last year’s commemoration, you remember the theme called upon leaders to work towards a TB-free world. I was glad to be there with His Majesty, King Zwelithini to hear from Deputy President Mabuza, who acknowledged the essential role of traditional leaders in ending TB among their communities.


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