Speeches Shim
Through its Development Credit Authority (DCA) initiative, USAID provides partial credit guarantees to mobilize local financing in developing countries. Guarantee agreements encourage private lenders to extend financing to small- and medium-scale borrowers, who lack access to credit facilities.
December 31, 2014
Ebola Response
Visit our main West Africa Ebola Outbreak page to learn more about how we're responding to the West Africa Ebola outbreak, and what you can do to help.
Since 2002, USAID has invested more than $2 billion to support the development of Afghanistan’s road network. As one of Afghanistan’s major development partners, USAID is moving to phase-out investments in road construction and developing the Afghan government’s capacity to perform infrastructure operations and maintenance (O&M). The Road Sector Sustainability Program (RSSP) is designed to assist the government of Afghanistan make the transition through restructuring and reform to self-sustainability in the roads O&M sector.
Recent estimates indicate only 30 percent of Afghans have access to electricity. The USAID Power Transmission Expansion and Connectivity project, in partnership with the national electric utility Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat (DABS), is working to increase access to electricity by (1) expanding and improving Afghanistan’s electric transmission system, (2) strengthening the ability of DABS to manage, operate, and maintain the national power system, and (3) attracting private sector investment to Afghanistan’s energy sector.
The Faculties of Higher Education (FoHE) Program supports the Ministry of Higher Education’s goal to improve the quality of education for future teachers at Afghan universities by providing new facilities and infrastructure.
The main focus of the six-year, $10 million program is the construction of two-story buildings at six university campuses around Afghanistan. The program began in May 2008 and ended in December 2014.
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Engineering Quality Assurance and Logistical Support program provided technical and logistical services and quality assurance standards to USAID’s infrastructure projects in the energy, transportation, and construction sectors, making sure the projects followed established international guidelines.
The United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Construction of Health and Education Facilities (CHEF) program supported Afghanistan’s Ministries of Public Health and Education by providing much needed infrastructure in the form of hospitals, midwife training centers, teacher training colleges, and other medical and education facilities in the country. These USAID-funded facilities were developed in close cooperation with the local communities, district and provincial government authorities, as well as the Ministries of Public Health and Education. The facilities designed and constructed under the CHEF program are energy efficient and built in accordance with international building code standards.
Интегрированный Проект по охране здоровья матери и ребенка (MCHIP) оказывает помощь по реагированию на вспышку Полиомиелита, создает потенциал по мониторингу и оценочному анализу, улучшает планирование, основано на доказательствах, определение приоритетов, и координацию по вопросам иммунизации.
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