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According to the 2014 Zambia Demographic and Health Survey, 43 percent of women aged 15-49 years have experienced some form of physical violence in their lifetime. In close partnership with the Government of Zambia (GRZ), the USAID STOP Gender-Based Violence (GBV) project uses a multi-sectoral approach to help prevent GBV.  The USAID STOP GBV projects uses community mobilization programs that promote gender norms change, strengthens the capacity of local systems to respond to GBV, and supports one-stop GBV response care.

Despite steady global advances in the fight against malaria over the last decade, The World Health Organization’s 2018 World Malaria Report indicated that between 2017 and 2018, the global number of malaria deaths remained the same.

In Zambia, thanks to the collaboration between the United States and Zambian governments, malaria deaths continue to decline.  In order to maintain and accelerate progress, with support from the United States’ President’s Malaria Initiative, the Impact Malaria (IM) program contributes to work toward the reduction of malaria morbidity and mortality, while moving Zambia towards national or subnational pre-elimination.

Supporting children to not just survive, but to thrive, is a priority for USAID Zambia’s Health Office. Over the past two decades, Zambia has made tremendous progress in reducing under-five mortality, with a reduction from 197 to 61 deaths per 1,000 live births between 1996 and 2018. The first five years of a child’s life are critical for healthy long-term development, productivity, and social cohesion.

With a rich democratic history, Zambia is well-placed to build citizen-responsive systems of governance that advance the nation’s development priorities and reduce donor dependency. Through USAID’s support to the Human Rights Commission, the United States works with Zambia to combat corruption, strengthen government systems, protect human rights, and promote productive civic engagement. USAID/Zambia assistance promotes legal and procedural reforms that strengthen the case-management capacity of the Commission.

Almost one-third of Mozambicans suffer from chronic food insecurity, exacerbated by the historic drought of 2015-2016. Nationally, 43 percent of children under 5 are stunted. Micronutrient deficiencies are widespread: 69 percent of children under 5 are anemic, and 74 percent of children under 5 are vitamin A deficient, with negative impacts on growth, immunity and development.

Despite 80 percent of Zambia’s workforce working in agriculture, the sector contributes less than 20 percent toward the Gross Domestic Product.  The DCA works to increase its contribution by promoting lending to individuals and small businesses in the agriculture sector, with a focus on warehousing and clean-energy agriculture solutions.  Improving access to productive loans creates well-paying jobs, new economic opportunities, and sustainable long-term development.

Despite having significant economic potential in terms of natural resources and tourism, Cabo Delgado is one of the poorest regions in Mozambique and is a hub for wildlife, human and drug trafficking; it also has the highest illiteracy rate in the country (67%), a history of economic marginalization and high unemployment rates. Since October 2017, the province has seen an increase in violent attacks, creating a climate of fear and distrust in communities. The insecurity has forced families out of their homes and into host communities, overstretching resilience capacities.

While Mozambique’s economy has had consistent growth rates for several years, progress has been much slower in rural areas. Food insecurity in these rural areas remains a significant challenge. At least 25% of the rural population consistently suffers from food insecurity, 43% of children under the age of five suffer from chronic malnutrition (stunting), and more than 65% of children under five have deficiencies of essential micronutrients, such as vitamin A – which compromises the immune system and can lead to blindness.

The 29 million Mozambicans are served by approximately 1,640 primary level health facilities. Due to inadequate investment in routine maintenance and upgrades many of these facilities are in a poor condition and lacking essentials such as water, functioning sanitation systems, safe medical waste disposal and electricity.  A lack of access to safe water and adequate sanitation, and poor hygiene practices creates the environment for an alarmingly high prevalence of diarrhea throughout the country. Furthermore, 16 percent of all deaths in Mozambique can be attributed to inadequate WASH practices.

USAID has worked closely for years with partners such as private sector companies and associations, civil society organizations, and the Government of Mozambique to make it easier to do business across sectors, put the country in a stronger competitive position, and increase trade and investment. Recent work has focused on reforming agricultural trade and investment policies with an eye on improving livelihoods of smallholder farmers as well as enabling agribusiness to flourish.
