Fact Sheets

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USAID’s Transparency in Health Engagement project works to build the capacities of the three governmental agencies and selected civil society organizations and media sources to reduce the space for corruption in the health sector. Working with the High Inspectorate for the Declaration and Audit of Assets and Conflict of Interest (HIDAACI), The High State Audit, and the Office of the Ombudsman, the project will generate evidence through performance audits, complaint investigations, and asset reporting; design and implement assessments to measure corruption and relevant mediating factors; and perform public sector reforms and audits.

In January 2017, USAID began its Accelerated Civic Development and Cooperation Project, a three and a half year project designed to support organizations working in the democracy and governance sector in Albania and strengthen their efforts to fight corruption in Albania; support avenues for meaningful public participation and oversight; improve efficiency and effectiveness in governance and government services; and support public-private partnerships. The project also assists Government of Albania institutions to improve their performance by making them more efficient and accountable to the civil society and citizens. 

In March 2016, USAID began its Justice for All Project, a five year project designed to strengthen the effectiveness and transparency of the courts in Albania. To improve Albanian courts’ performance, the project will provide assistance to increase court efficiency, transparency, and accountability. Ultimately, the project aims to increase citizens’ trust in the judiciary.

USAID works both at the national policy level and at the local level to promote full acceptance of the principles of decentralized governance, and to disseminate and institutionalize practical and effective methods of and techniques for municipal management. In 2012, USAID’s Planning and Local Government Project (PLGP) entered into formal partnership agreements with 15 local governments to provide technical assistance and training. As a result of territorial reform in 2015, the original 15 partner municipalities were consolidated into thirteen local government units including six model municipalities where we provide more intensive assistance: Tirana, Durres, Fier, Lushnja, Berat, Kuçova, Patos, Vlore, Saranda, Elbasan, Korça, Vora, and Kamza.

This program works to reduce the risk of violent extremism in schools and communities by strengthening the preventive role of the education system. It does this by instilling values-based learning and critical thinking into school culture, policies, and practices. Our implementing partner for this three-year $500,000 program is the Center for Educational Initiatives Step by Step.

Syrian Arab Republic Government (SARG) and Government of the Russian Federation (GoRF) military offensive displaces up to 325,000 people in southern Syria, impedes humanitarian access. An estimated 1.5 million people remain in hard-to-reach areas of Syria, including 8,100 people in besieged locations. UN, Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) deliver humanitarian aid for 108,000 people in Ar Rastan for first time since SARG recapture in May.

USAID/Colombia’s Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance Office focuses on supporting the Government of Colombia (GOC) and civil society to increase institutional presence, foster a culture of respect for human rights, strengthen citizen participation, promote access to justice, increase public investment, and provide services to historically underserved and conflict-affected rural areas where illicit activity often goes unchecked.

USAID/Colombia’s Public Opinion Activity (POA) conducts surveys in order to provide data and analysis on democratic governance in Colombia, which is used to inform USAID/Colombia programs, public policy formation, and advocacy.  Implemented by the Universidad de Los Andes, POA will run from January 2016 – January 2021 with national coverage.

The Regional Governance Activity (RGA) works closely with Government of Colombia (GOC) counterparts at the national, departmental, and municipal level, and directly assists public officials in 40 conflict-affected municipalities to strengthen their capacity to serve their citizens. By improving the efficacy of the three levels of government, and in particular, sub-national governments in conflict-affected regions, RGA builds citizen trust and contributes to a durable and inclusive peace.

Harassment is unwelcome verbal or physical conduct that is so objectively offensive as to alter the conditions of employment and is based on factors that may include, but are not limited to, race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, gender identity and expression), sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, marital status, parental status, veteran status, political affiliation, or reprisal for engaging in protected activity. Harassment is prohibited by laws, executive orders, and USAID policies.
