Fact Sheets

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Grantee:  Junior Achievement Worldwide (JAW).

Duration:  3 years (April 2012 – April 2015).

Funding to date: $1.07 million (DA)

Total Investment - $2.4 million.

Beneficiary Countries:  Barbados, St. Vincent & Grenadines, St. Lucia, Dominica and Antigua & Barbuda., Grenada and St. Kitts & Nevis.


Grantee:  The American Council on Education/ Office of Higher Education for Development (ACE/HED)

Sub-Grantee: Indiana University in partnership with the Cave Hill School of business/University of the West Indies (CHSB/UWI)

Duration:  5 years (October 2010 to September 2014)

Funding to date: $1.0 million (DA – USAID/Barbados and USAID/E3)

Total Projected investment - $1.7 million

Beneficiary Countries:  Barbados initially and OECS countries



Grantee:  The International Youth Foundation

Local Sub-Grantees:  Antigua & Barbuda: Gilbert Agricultural Rural Development Center.  Grenada: T. A. Marryshow Community College, Grenada Industrial Development Cooperation and NEWLO.  St. Lucia: A consortium of the National Skills Development Center/RISE/CARE and the BELfund.

Duration:  5 years (September 2008 to September 2013)

Funding to date: $5,000,000 (DA and CBSI)

Total Projected Investment - $5.0 million



Duration: 3 years (FY2011 - FY2014)

Total Projected Investment: $300K annually ($1.5 mil over 5 years)

Funding Source: USAID/Barbados- (GHCS-USAID Account)

Countries: OECS

Objective: To enhance the ability of the PANCAP Program Coordinating Unit (PCU) to conduct its core functions in support of the execution, coordination and management of the Caribbean Regional Strategic Framework.


Contractor(s)/Grantee(s): Futures Group - Health Policy Project

Duration:  3 years (FY2011 - FY2014)

Total Projected Investment:  $290 K FY 2011

Funding Source: USAID/Barbados- (GHCS-USAID Account)

Countries: Barbados and OECS

Objective: To enhance regional efforts to combat stigma and discrimination and influence policy reform and:


Grantee(s): University of North Carolina- Measure Evaluation Phase III

Duration: 3 years (FY2011 - FY2014)- Annual determination based on need

Total Projected Investment: $300K FY 11

Funding Source: USAID/Barbados- (GHCS-USAID Account)

Countries: St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, St. Kitts and Nevis, Dominica

Objective: To improve the monitoring and evaluation  (M&E) systems and processes within the small states of the Eastern Caribbean.


Grantee(s): Abt Associates

Duration:  5 years (FY2010 - FY2014)

Total Projected Investment: $3 million

Additional Funding Source: (GHCS-USAID Account) 

Countries: OECS and Barbados

Objective: To strengthen the multi-sectoral HIV/AIDS response and improve health outcomes by facilitating and strengthening a role for the private sector via public-private partnerships (PPPs).


Grantee: Abt Associates

Duration: FY2010 - FY2014

Total Projected Investment: $5 million over 5 years

Funding Source: (GHCS-USAID Account) 

Countries: OECS and Barbados

Objective: To improve the capacity of the Caribbean national governments and regional organizations to effectively lead, finance, manage, and sustain the delivery of quality HIV prevention, care, treatment and support services. Activities include:


Contractor(s)/Grantee(s): Caribbean HIV/AIDS Alliance

Duration: 5 years (FY2011 - FY2014)

Total Projected Investment: $16 million over 5 years

Funding Source: USAID/Barbados- (GHCS-USAID Account)

Countries: OECS and Barbados

Objective: Increased Equitable Access to HIV Prevention, Treatment and Care Services for

most at risk populations and persons living with HIV (PLHIV) in the Eastern Caribbean:


Grantee:  Caricom Secretariat

Duration: 3 years

Total Projected Investment: $300,000

Countries:  Barbados and OECS

Objective:  To support the Directorate of Human & Social Development to work in crime and violence prevention.
