Cash Transfer Program Assistance for Civil Service Reform

Speeches Shim


The Cash Transfer Program Assistance for Civil Service Reform is a $15 million on-budget project to support the Independent Administrative Reform and Civil Service Commission (IARCSC) institute public administration reforms throughout the Afghan Government.  USAID provides funding directly to the IARCSC upon successful completion of agreed-upon performance benchmarks.  These benchmarks support two main objectives, which are to: 1) build the internal capacity of the IARCSC; and, 2) support civil service reform initiatives that increase efficiency, transparency, and delivery of basic services.  The project’s benchmarks focus on building the IARCSC’s internal organizational governance and include: increased controls for financial and procurement practices, transparent human resources practices, and improved strategic planning and program management.  The program also supports government-wide reforms in areas such as the recruitment of civil servants in insecure areas, the implementation of new systems to accurately track civil servants, and the introduction of a system for performance appraisals.  


  • Strengthen IARCSC Management and Governance: Improve management and planning skills of senior IARCSC staff through assessments, development of needed trainings, and long-term strategic plans. 
  • Increase IARCSC Accountability and Transparency: Establish systems and policies for financial management, procurement, human resources and asset management.
  • Professionalize Civil Service and Support Public Administration Reforms: IARCSC institutes new systems to improve human resource management in ministries, such as performance-based promotion and evaluation of civil servants, improved record-keeping, and database management.
  • Women’s Leadership: Trainings provided to women civil servants on leadership, communication, and interviewing. 


  • Civil Service Laws drafted to professionalize and regulate civil servants;
  • Career Development Center for female civil servants established in the IARCSC;
  • Held job fairs in seven insecure provinces to fill vacant staff positions and trained newly hired staff; 
  • Established database to improve the tracking and timely resolution of complaints made by civil servants;
  • Instituted performance appraisal mechanisms in six ministries to promote performance-based evaluation and the promotion of civil servants;
  • Established property inventory and management systems within the IARCSC, including written policies and procedures to control, manage, and dispose of fixed assets; 
  • Completed Technical Capacity Assessments in 14 ministries and the IARCSC, which evaluated the ministries in 11 competencies, including Service Delivery, Organizational Governance, Program Management, Financial Management and Human Resources Management; and,
  • Developed a Human Resources Management Information System in 25 ministries, improving the ministries’ ability to record and track essential information about civil servant employees.