"I Learn at Home" of the Peruvian Ministry of Education will use videos prepared by FOREST, a program of USAID and the USFS

Speeches Shim

Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Medicinal plants in the Peruvian forests.
FOREST program

In the current context of the pandemic caused by COVID-19, all the students of the world have been affected due to the temporary closure of their schools, which demands an effort from the authorities and from society in general to promote the continuity of the learning of children and adolescents. In view of this situation, the Government of Peru established the I Learn at Home (Aprendo en Casa) Education Program. This is a multi-channel distance education service on television, radio and the Internet, which aims to make early childhood, elementary and secondary school students advance in the development of their classes, during the State of Emergency due to COVID-19.

FOREST, the technical cooperation program of USAID and the United States Forest Service, at the request of the Peruvian Ministry of Education, granted them the rights to use 12 videos made for a general public, as part of the support we provide to The National Forest and Wildlife Service (SERFOR). The main themes of the videos are associated with the benefits provided by forests, as a habitat for biodiversity, the services they provide related to water; the non-wood products they offer, the medicinal plants you can find there, as well as promoting the role of women in the sector; and the importance of urban forests, among other topics.

The first program has already been broadcast and it is estimated that it reached an average audience of 1.4 million people (elementary school children). The program was aimed at children in fourth and fifth grade of elementary school and its main theme was to present biodiversity in the forests of Peru and the use and benefits of medicinal plants.