Flag of Tanzania


Јазик : English | Swahili

Country contact shim

Speeches Shim

Tanzania is one of Africa's fastest growing economies, with nearly 7 percent annual GDP growth since 2000. However, widespread poverty persists. Almost half of Tanzania's population is living on less than $1.90 per day. High population growth and low productivity in labor-intensive sectors like agriculture, which employs 75 percent of the population, limit broad-based economic growth. In addition, while Tanzania's natural resources are an asset to the country, helping to support the livelihoods of many Tanzanians, unsustainable use of these resources threatens to perpetuate the cycle of poverty.

In support of Tanzania's goal of reaching middle-income status, USAID programs work to achieve inclusive, broad-based, and sustainable economic growth, advance effective democratic governance, and save lives by improving health services and systems. 

USAID also works to empower Tanzanian women and youth who are essential to Tanzania's continued development but are among the most marginalized citizens. Women's salaries, for example, are on average 63 percent lower than those paid to men, while female-owned businesses make 2.4 times less profit. Youth under age 15 make up 45 percent of Tanzania's population of 55 million. Increasing access to economic and educational opportunities for young people will go a long way in helping ensure Tanzania makes progress toward self-reliance.

The U.S. Government is Tanzania's largest bilateral donor. USAID collaborates with the people of Tanzania to achieve the nation's development goals as outlined in the USAID Tanzania Country Development Cooperation Strategy.


Assistance Provided to Tanzania

Evaluations for Tanzania

Tanzania Country Profile

USAID/Tanzania Activity Briefer


Contact Information

Mission Contact

686 Old Bagamoyo Road, Msasani
PO Box 9130
Dar es Salaam
+255 22 229 4490
+255 22 266 8421

USAID Contact

Danny Fullerton
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
, DC