Transforming Lives

Speeches Shim

Every day, all over the world, USAID brings peace to those who endure violence, health to those who struggle with sickness, and prosperity to those who live in poverty. It is these individuals — these uncounted thousands of lives — that are the true measure of USAID’s successes and the true face of USAID's programs.

As Mutua Kaite walks along the terraces of his 4-acre farm in southeastern Kenya, he points to the bounty of growing crops. Five years ago, the land was dry and Kaite’s crops suffered.

Even in a computer’s voice, the story being recited loudly over the speakers is so engrossing that 13-year-old Khushiya hasn’t bothered to blink in the last 20 seconds. In a classroom at Vejalpur Primary School in the western Indian state of Gujarat, sit about 30 students with their eyes locked on the monitor displaying the text of a story about a tree and its leaves. English is not their first language but as the computer narrates, the children repeat each word with near perfect pronunciation.

In Rwanda’s southern province, Beatrice Mukayuhi’s family was living in despair. Both Mukayuhi and her husband, Anicet Kamana, who have six children, were HIV-positive, and caught in a downward spiral of poverty, declining health, and self-loathing.

A lot of taxpayers’ money has gone up in smoke with the purchase of $700 ashtrays and other items in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). But most citizens did not know how bad it was until recently.

May 2017—Davlatoy Beknazarova and her family live in a small village in Tajikistan’s Khatlon province, where her sewing skills are setting her on the path to success as a businesswoman. After attending a brief training course on how women can become entrepreneurs, she put her talents to work for her.

Rice growing is a tradition in Mali that dates back more than 1,000 years. Kalia Koné from Kongolikoro village in the Sikasso region in southern Mali has been growing rice for more than 15 years. But traditional rice planting practices were not resulting in good yields.

Salome Mpongoliana was poor, lacked education, and had little control over her family’s finances. But when she joined a women’s group and discovered beekeeping, her fortunes began to change. Read how these women are linking profit and conservation as they pursue a new honey farming enterprise in their northern Tanzanian village.  

Кыргыз Республикасында жыл сайын 5,5 миңден ашуун адамда кургак учук аныкталып чыгат. Бул инфекциялык ооруну дарылабаса, ал өлүмгө алып келиши мүмкүн.

A hybrid training facility and social enterprise is perhaps the only one of its kind on the island of Jamaica. Here, busy young men in blue jumpsuits are learning skills that will help them to build successful businesses and overcome economic disadvantages.
