
Speeches Shim

13-03-2019 01:45

Today we launch a new phase of the U.S.-India energy cooperation, one which will take this partnership to the next level by enhancing India’s ability to incorporate robust analysis into energy and environmental decision-making.

Analysis and data are key to making future development choices in a complex world. It’s what big companies and economies around the world focus on to deliver value. So we wondered, why not in the energy sector which is so much more complex and can benefit from better use of data and analytics to improve planning for the future.

11-03-2019 09:45

I certainly love it when a plan comes together.  And thanks to a remarkable partnership, we celebrate Zambia’s first utility-scale solar project that will provide affordable power to the country’s households, schools, hospitals, and businesses. 

06-03-2019 09:30

WE Act aims to harness the unbounded entrepreneurial potential of Cambodia’s young businesswomen and help them find partnerships, provide key resources, and strategic advice. These and other tools will help them grow their businesses and engage with associations that can help magnify the voices of women entrepreneurs in civic life and channel their interests in the policy arena.

This project reflects a global strategy. USAID has funded similar entrepreneur-strengthening projects with great success in many countries and regions around the world. Our efforts have concentrated on strengthening the eco-system for female entrepreneurs, from reforming the policy framework to allow women to compete on equal footing with their male counterparts, to providing access to finance and venture capital.  It includes mentoring and coaching by businessmen and women, integration with business associations, business incubation, and a host of other elements.

06-03-2019 02:00

With 356 million people between the ages of 10 and 24 and 256 million adolescents, India has the world’s largest young population.

We know that when adolescents have access to health services, education and employment opportunities, they make better choices for themselves, they live longer, and they participate more in society.  Better opportunities for adolescents mean better outcomes for India. 

05-03-2019 09:45

The goals of reducing gender inequality and promoting women's rights have been a priority of USAID and our partners – governments, donors, and civil society – for a long time. But despite the considerable investment so far to advance social justice and gender equality, women continue to be underrepresented in decision making bodies, not only in the private sector, at the local level and in civil society, but in the politics and government as well. The barriers that prevent women from effectively participating in civic life remain an issue for Cambodian women, who are often excluded from the more traditionally male-dominated spheres of political decision-making.

25-02-2019 02:00

The United States Agency for International Development is the part of the United States federal government that is primarily responsible for providing foreign aid and development assistance. We work very closely with the Government of India to reach our common development goals.

USAID has a long and successful partnership with the Government of India, and it all started with farmers. More than 70 years ago, our work together started with emergency food aid when drought decimated farmers' crops and threatened India's people with famine.

14-02-2019 22:00

At USAID, our health portfolio is one of our largest investment areas, focusing particularly on maternal and child health, family planning, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, and antimicrobial resistance. However, we understand that our resources are just a fraction of the investment needed to achieve our development goals. As a result, our approach hinges on strengthening existing systems; forging shared-value alliances and partnerships; and demonstrating models that can be scaled up by others.

14-02-2019 03:15

As part of USAID’s continued commitment to support Philippine aspirations for inclusive growth, last year, we launched a new partnership with PBEd to improve youth access to training and employment opportunities, and engage the private sector in workforce development. Our partnership is expected to create over 4,000 work-based training positions for youth, and these positions will be complemented with classroom-based skills training and competency certification.

12-02-2019 03:15

Building upon our years of partnership with the Filipino people, USAID continues to support Philippine aspirations for inclusive growth. In line with this, we strategically build upon Filipino talent and expand opportunities for science, technology and innovation to advance, broaden and sustain growth.

11-02-2019 09:00

Europe and Eurasia is at a critical time in its history. It has been 30 years since the Wall fell. Many of the Eastern Block and former Soviet republics are still deciding which paths to take.  These decisions will have consequences for global security for at least the next generation.  Energy plays an incredibly important part of that decision.  Our work shows that energy independence allows nations to make clear choices which enable society to live free and flourish. 


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