Flag of Iraq


Speeches Shim

December 29, 2020

2020.12.16 USG Iraq Complex Emergency Program Map #1

December 29, 2020

Since 2017, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has provided more than $389 million in support of the Genocide Recovery and Persecution Response initiative to help ethnic and religious minorities in northern Iraq heal and restore their communities after the genocide committed by the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). We are pleased to announce that USAID intends to further this commitment by dedicating $38 million in FY 2020 resources to support religious and ethnic minority (REM) programming in Iraq.

December 22, 2020

In December 2020, USAID obligated an additional $16.3 million to stabilization and religious and ethnic minority (REM) programming in Iraq. The funding will increase the overall USAID contributions ($389 million since 2017) to multiple ongoing programs that support REM communities. 

Female engineer in Mosul, Funding Facility for Stabilization USAID
December 10, 2020

In support of the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS and in partnership with the Government of Iraq, the Funding Facility for Stabilization (FFS) is a 28-donor, multilateral program that aims to stabilize areas recently liberated from ISIS by restoring damaged or destroyed essential services and providing the conditions for a safe and voluntary return of IDPs to their home. 

USAID planting trees in Iraq (IGPA)
December 1, 2020

USAID’s Iraq Governance Performance and Accountability (IGPA, known as “Takamul” or “integration” in Arabic) project supports the Government of Iraq’s efforts to strengthen public financial management and tangibly improve the delivery of essential services through locally-led reform initiatives.
