Book Reviews

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Starting in 2012, the Office of HIV/AIDS has hosted a book club in celebration of World AIDS Day that allows senior leadership the opportunity to read the latest and greatest publications in the HIV and AIDS fields. By continuing to read new and timely HIV and AIDS content, USAID stays abreast of the latest influencers and though-leaders. This year for World AIDS Day 2013, USAID reviewed 2 books, "Birth in the Age of AIDS" by Cecilia Van Hollen and "Ancestors and Antiretrovirals" by Claire Decoteau.

HIV/AIDS Book Reviews

"Birth in the Age of AIDS"

Robert Clay, Deputy Assistant Administrator for USAID's Global Health Bureau and Marta Levitt, Senior Multisector Advisor for USAID's Office of HIV/AIDS both reviewed the book "Birth in the Age of AIDS: Women, Reproduction and HIV/AIDS in India" by Cecila Van Hollen. The book takes the reader on a very personal journey of the experiences HIV-positive women in southern India have during pregnancy, delivery and postpartum.

"Ancestors and Antiretrovirals"

Kendra Phillips, Division Chief for USAID's Implementation Support in the Office of HIV/AIDS reviewed the book "Ancestors and Antiretrovirals" by Claire Laurier Decoteau. The book discusses the biopolitics of HIV/AIDS in post-apartheid South Africa.


"No Time to Lose: A Life in Pursuit of Deadly Viruses"

Jennifer Albertini, Senior HIV/AIDS Technical Advisor for USAID Africa's Health Team reviewed the book "No Time to Lose: A Life in Pursuit of Deadly Viruses" by Peter Piot where she discusses the author and his journey in investigating the source of certain infectious diseases.


Roxana Rogers, Paul Mahanna and David Stanton of USAID's Office of HIV/AIDS reviewed the book "Tinderbox" by Daniel Halperin & Craig Timberg where they discuss the combined impressive talent in this book detailing the unintended consequences of colonialization as it created the ideal situation for an explosive AIDS epidemic.