Flag of El Salvador


Idioma: English | Spanish

Speeches Shim


USAID’s contribution of $16.8 million to the International Organization for Migration’s (IOM) Return and Reintegration in the Northern Triangle Program assists in providing services to help returning migrants reintegrate into local communities, and to alert the public on the risks of irregular migration.


The Adopt-A-School Program is a public-private alliance that helps improve teacher competency and school infrastructure in public schools in El Salvador. By matching the financial contributions of private sector partners, who wish to “adopt”a school to improve education in the public school system, USAID helps strengthen the quality of education for children and youth.


USAID’s $21.4 million Justice Sector Strengthening Project helps reduce impunity through support for criminal justice reform, promotion of judicial transparency, and enhancement of citizen participation in judicial reform efforts.  Strengthening the capacity, efficiency and accountability of the judicial system supports USAID efforts in the area of security.


USAID’s SolucionES project brings together five leading Salvadoran non-profit organizations that have formed an alliance to prevent crime and violence.  The project receives $20 million from USAID and will leverage an additional $22 million mainly from private businesses during a five-year period for a total contribution of $42 million for crime and violence prevention in El Salvador.


Estrategia de Cooperación para el Desarrollo Regional 2015-2019 Centroamérica y México
