Flag of Afghanistan


Speeches Shim

August 25, 2019

With support from USAID, Afghan traders signed contracts totaling more than $276 million for high-value agricultural products at trade shows held in India, the United Arab Emirates and Kazakhstan in 2018. Overseas buyers pay a premium for high-quality fruits, spices, nuts and vegetables. USAID’s Commercial Horticulture and Agricultural Marketing Program (CHAMP) and agricultural export program’s (Regional Agricultural Development Programs North and East and Promoting Value Chains West) helped Afghan agribusinesses participate in four international trade shows where they found those ready buyers.

August 25, 2019

In Afghanistan, male heads of household determine whether female family members can seek an education or pursue a career. According to the most recent Survey of the Afghan People, nearly 30 percent of Afghans do not believe women should be allowed to work outside the home. Kabir* disagrees. The father of seven daughters, he made sure all his children received a university education.

August 22, 2019

A critical impediment in the Afghan poultry value chain is the shortage of veterinary supplies and services at the farm level.

August 22, 2019

The USAID-funded Capacity Building Activity Project (CBA) has improved payroll data accuracy and enabled the Afghanistan Ministry of Education to more accurately forecast labor costs, reducing budget overestimations by as much as 64 million U.S. dollars annually.

August 22, 2019

Azada Paigeer understands the importance of giving someone a helping hand. She is a recipient of a scholarship under the USAID Promote program, which was established to provide training and education opportunities for Afghan women and girls.
